The Prophet Jeremiah and Other Stories From the Bible

Discover a richly illustrated children's version of the world's most read book: the BibleIn this ninth book, find out about the lives of Elijah, Amos and Hosea, Isaiah Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.After Solomon's death, Israel was split into two different countries. In the South, Judah had for King Rehoboam, Solomon's son, whereas in the north, people followed Jeroboam, Nabat's son. None of the kings who followed Jeroboam listened to God's commandments. One of them, Ahab, mar

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Date de sortie15 avril 2015
Accessibilité  Voir les informations concernant l'accessibilité pour le format ePub

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  • Le EPUB contient une table des matières qui permet de naviguer dans l'ensemble du livre.