Esther and Other Stories From the Bible

Discover a richly illustrated children's version of the world's most read book: the BibleIn this tenth and last book, find out about the lives of Job, Jonas and Esther.The people had suffered many hardships: war, captivity, exile in foreign lands, and the cruelty of the invaders... To give back some courage to the people, priests told them tales filled with hope and life. Like the tale of Job. Job was a just and good man who led a peaceful life surrounded by his many children

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Date de sortie15 avril 2015
Accessibilité  Voir les informations concernant l'accessibilité pour le format ePub

La version ePub

L'éditeur a fourni les informations suivantes au sujet de l'accessibilité pour le ePub :

  • Le EPUB contient une table des matières qui permet de naviguer dans l'ensemble du livre.